Friday, 21 February 2014

Slow going

Been very busy at work, but in the small amounts of spare time I have had over the last few weeks I've been concentrating on the hardware. It's changed again since the last post, but I've settled on a final architecture.

The two (2) adapters (MVS & AES) are simple passive 2-layer boards (plus two finger boards), so won't take long to design and will be cheap to prototype. I've already completed the schematics for the MVS adapter, and a quick auto-route suggests it won't take long to lay out by hand. Once I've done the complementary AES adapter, I'll get those manufactured as I can test them in 'pass-thru' mode with real cartridges and systems. I will, however, need to acquire either an MV-1C (unlikely) or a multi-slot PCB, because I'll need vertical slots for these prototypes.

I'm aiming to have some adapters ready for manufacture within the next few weeks, and certainly before the end of March. Connectors are readily available from Digikey, and the only other components are a couple of passives and a LED.

So whilst Donkey Kong has been on hold since I tested it on the NGCD, it certainly hasn't been forgotten, and I'll pick it up again whilst I'm waiting for hardware things to happen. Besides, I want that to be the first game I program onto my flash cartridge! ;)

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